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How to make the first integration?
Ilona Srebnicka avatar
Written by Ilona Srebnicka
Updated over a week ago

Integration is the heart of the system's operation, it is from it that we retrieve data on customer actions such as adding a product to the cart or placing an order.

The data on the actions taken by the person visiting the store's website are completed and sent to edrone using "Trace" data packets.

Integration in simple terms means adding a piece of code with an initialization script to a website.

All information about integration is available in our Help Center, just click right here.

To facilitate the implementation of the integration, plugins, and instructions for specific platforms are available. You can find supported platforms and plugin implementation instructions here.

Didn't find your platform? Plug-in integration doesn't transfer all the required data? Want to get your integration up and running in the easiest possible way?

With help comes our UNIVERSAL INTEGRATION.

Remember that for the universal integration to work properly, the product feed is mandatory.

If you are using a different platform or have a custom website, you will need to perform a custom integration. This can be a little more difficult, but an IT specialist should be able to handle it without any problems.

All you have to do is provide him or her with a documentation page (you can find it here). There he or she will find everything he or she may need to perform the integration.

Whichever system integration option you choose, let us know when you're done.

We'll check that everything works properly!

Need more help?

If you have any further questions about the Integration, please do not hesitate to contact us at

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