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How to integrate a newsletter signup form?
Klaudia Lewandowska avatar
Written by Klaudia Lewandowska
Updated over 12 months ago

How to integrate a newsletter signup form?

To integrate the form, first of all, you need to be sure that your site is properly integrated, i.e. the code that initiates edrone is in the source code of the site. You can read how to check this in the article on integration.

Next, check that the form is not already integrated - some of our plugins include code for form integration. To check this, sign up for a newsletter through this form using an email address that isn't already in the edrone database, and then see if the address appeared in edrone's CRM with a tag (usually From PopUp).

If the address appeared in the CRM with the tag, then the form is integrated.

IMPORTANT: If the status of your email subscription changes to Subscribed and you are using the Single Opt-In subscription model, this means that the integration is working correctly. However, if the status does not change, but you are using the Double Opt-In model, the integration is also correct, and the status change will only occur after you confirm your subscription by clicking a button in the email you received.

If the form is not integrated, you need to prepare additional JavaScript and place it on the page. You can prepare the code based on our documentation:

Preparation of JS code requires basic programming knowledge, so we advise outsourcing this task to a developer.

However, if you need help or your code is not working properly, write to us at If this is the case, please indicate where specifically on the page the form is located and with which tag you would like your subscribers to be saved.

After implementing the code on the site, you should test it, that is, sign up through the integrated form and verify that the provided email and other data appear on the customer's card in CRM edrone.

Need more help?

If you have any further questions about the newsletter forms integration, please do not hesitate to contact us at

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