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Data export in edrone
Weronika Kapias avatar
Written by Weronika Kapias
Updated over 3 months ago

Exporting data is the process of retrieving data from the edrone system, for storage, analysis or further processing. There are several export options available in edrone. Each will provide you with a download-ready file in CSV format, which will contain different sets of information, depending on the type of export selected.

Export types:

  • All Customers

  • Hygienization of Customers

  • Unsubscribed Customers

  • Subscribed Customers

  • Engagements Report

  • Engagements Report day by day

  • Attribution Report

  • Wishlist Subscribers

All Customers

The export file of all customers will contain all the collected data about your shop's customers, as well as the data you have supplied to the system via import.

Segmentation - Suppressed

The file contains addresses for which a "Hard Bounce" occurred during message delivery, indicating a permanent bounce caused by issues that are unlikely to be resolved.

Unsubscribed Customers

The file contains the addresses of all customers with their details for your shop, as well as those you have supplied to the system via import.

Subscribed Customers

A file containing addresses, together with details of all your shop's subscribers.

Engagements Report

A report containing information on all the newsletters you have sent during a given period. This includes information such as the number of messages sent, opens, clicks, along with ORs, CTRs and CTORs.

Engagements Report day by day

A report containing the same set of information as the engagements report, broken down by day.

Attribution Report

A report containing the orders attributed to an edrone engagement over a specific time period. The file will contain information on the type of scenario, the attribution date, the link that was clicked, etc.

Wishlist Subscribers

The file contains users waiting to be notified of product availability. It contains columns such as the product ID, creation date, and the user's email address.

Need more help?

If you have any further questions about file export, please do not hesitate to contact us at

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