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Analyze data from edrone in GA4

How to find edrone revenue in GA4 and how to analyze it?

Wioleta Jednaka avatar
Written by Wioleta Jednaka
Updated over a week ago

How to find revenue from edrone in GA4?

We should analyze revenue from edrone in terms of customer multichannel and points of contact along the pathway that contributed to the user's final decision. We know that the customer path is not straightforward before the customer decides to buy a product. In ecommerce, the dream conversion will of course be the purchase of a product or service. Nevertheless, the path, leading up to the purchase, is usually not that straightforward. This is because before a customer decides to buy a product or service, he or she visits your website several or even a dozen times. Each of these actions is so-called contact points that contribute to the user's final decision.

You can analyze revenue from edrone in Google Analytics 4 on different views. You can analyze edrone revenue, traffic, and the campaigns that contributed to the revenue generation.

Revenue analysis

How much revenue edrone has generated for your shop and exactly which campaigns have contributed to generating the revenue can be analyzed under Engagement=> Conversions=> and expand (click) purchase.

Here, enter Email in the filter (in the default filter Default channel group) and you will be able to analyze the number of orders and the number of events recognized as a conversion. When you additionally change the variable to Campaigns you will be able to analyze which campaigns took part in the conversion, you will approach them with the added UTMs for campaigns.

Analysis of revenue due to different attribution models

In GA4, we can analyze which paths customers take to conversion and how different attribution models distribute the share of conversion along these paths. We can, for example, analyze this data in the Attribution, Model Comparison report. You will find this report in the Advertising section. The report contains data on all users.

As a default, both the chart and the data table present your data broken down by the dimension Default channel group. Using the menus above the graph and in the data table, you can display your data by the Source, Medium, or Campaign dimension. In the search engine, type edrone and click enter if you have selected Source.

Then change the dimension to Campaigns leaving the variables you entered earlier.

With these settings, you will be able to analyze which revenues were generated by the campaigns involved in the path to purchase. At the same time, you can analyze these revenues in two attribution models of your choice.

Traffic Analysis - "Traffic Acquisition" Report

This report provides detailed information on traffic sources and their impact on the website. When compared with, for example, the number of events, it allows you to assess the effectiveness of various marketing activities and identify the most important traffic sources that bring in valuable users. If you want to check the sessions generated by edrone, whether the visitors are new users or those who return to your site from edrone you can analyze in the Acquisition=> User Acquisition report, in the default dimension, the default channel group edrone will appear under Email. In this view, you will analyze the sources and campaigns of traffic acquisition, i.e. how users arrive at your site and the identification of the most effective campaigns and channels.

You can change the dimension to session: source/medium then edrone will appear as edrone/email.

Where can I find which products were most frequently bought by customers coming from edrone?

In GA4, you can also see which products from the traffic generated by edrone customers most frequently bought and browsed. You can get this preview by going to Reports=>Monetisation=>E-commerce purchase and the added dimension of additional session-source/medium

Why the differences in edrone revenue between views in GA4?

It's normal that you'll see differences in edrone revenue across different GA views, but to understand them we need to start by explaining how Analytics attributes revenue share.

It's important to note that Analytics uses different attribution models to attribute revenue share to ads, clicks, and other interactions along the user path leading to your site or app.

In the user- and session-limited dimensions, Analytics uses the attribution model Paid and free channels - the last click (source/medium view in GA Universal). Changing the attribution model does not affect these dimensions. So, all session-based and user-based reports will have the last-click attribution model applied. You can read more information here:

These will be, for example, the views

  • Acquisition, Traffic acquisition

  • Acquisition, User Acquisition

  • all reports where the variable will be session or first user

For event-limited dimensions, Analytics uses a data-driven attribution model by default, but you can choose a different attribution model. All reports with event-limited traffic dimensions use the attribution model of your choice.

Events would be our email/open events, for example, so you should analyze revenue from edrone on views.

Explore - additional analysis options

You can also analyze your edrone revenue by creating your own reports.

In a few sentences, we will show you how to do this.

To analyze edrone revenue from specific campaigns, create a new report in the explore section.

Here, add dimensions that you may find useful later for building views.

Dimensions to add

  • default channel group

  • source/medium

  • campaign

In the data, add:

  • Total revenues

  • Conversions

  • Sessions

  • Engagement sessions

Create the first report by adding in the default channel group and Campaigns in the rows and Total Revenue in the Values.

Here we will view the revenues from all channels and their campaigns.

To analyze revenue from edrone we should add a filter, in the filters select the default campaign group, which contains Email

Need more help?

If you have any further questions about Google Analytics 4, please do not hesitate to contact us at

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