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Activate customers with Custom Flows!

Activate customers who have not made a purchase for a long time with Custom Flow!

Weronika Kapias avatar
Written by Weronika Kapias
Updated over 10 months ago

You can also use Custom Flows to activate customers who have not made a purchase for several months.

To do this, select the "Product Viewing" action as the start element:

Next, decide which products will initiate Custom Flow:

Remember that the product feed is essential for the category-based Custom Flow to work!

The next step is to add a filter element - "Order"

As a filter type, select “Last Purchase Date":

In the next step, you can define how much time should pass since the date of the last purchase for the customer to receive a message from Custom Flow:

Next, add a 'Wait' element, where you set the time after which the Custom Flow message will be sent after the product review action:

The last element of Custom Flow is 'Action'. In this element, select send messege:

You can add information about your bestsellers or a discount code in the message!

Need more help?

If you have any further questions about Custom Flows, please do not hesitate to contact us at

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