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How to set the background of a line as an image?
How to set the background of a line as an image?
Weronika Kapias avatar
Written by Weronika Kapias
Updated over 3 months ago

Go to the design section of the selected scenario or creation.

1. Click the entire line to which you want to set the background as an image

2. Go to row properties

3. Upload the image or drop it in the designated location

4. Adjust the parameters of the background image

If you want the selected background to be visible also beyond the width of the email creation (720 px), select the "full width" option in the "Container width" section

The "content" option will ensure that the image is visible only in the selected row for the width of the email creative (usually at 720 px).

You can manage the width of the container, the repetition of the image in the row, its position.

Click on Repeat

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