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The system can't download a product feed - what is worth to know?
The system can't download a product feed - what is worth to know?

Find out what the reasons for not being able to download may be

Ilona Srebnicka avatar
Written by Ilona Srebnicka
Updated over a week ago

If you receive a notification in the system or by email that edrone has lost access to the product feed or cannot reprocess the file on the first import, be sure to check the feed settings.

The system is unable to download a product feed when:

  • Access to the file has completely expired (i.e. when you open the file in the browser, you see a 404 or other error indicating an expired file)

  • Access to the product feed is password-protected

  • Access to the product feed is restricted to downloading from a specific IP.

The constant IP from which edrone downloads the file is

  • Access to the feed is limited to downloads from selected countries

Do you need additional help?

If you have any additional questions about the product feed, please contact us at

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