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Product feed requirements

Find out what feed standards we adopt and what the file requirements are.

Weronika Kapias avatar
Written by Weronika Kapias
Updated yesterday

Supported feed standards:

  • Google Merchant Center (GMC)

  • IAI


Below are examples of product feeds in the given standards.

Our recommended standard is GMC - sometimes found on platforms under the title: Google Shopping.

<rss version="2.0">
<title>My feed</title>
<link rel="self" href=""/>
<title>This is my product name</title>
<description>Very nice product</description>
<g:google_product_category>Another category</g:google_product_category>
<g:product_type>We > take > category from > here</g:product_type>
<g:brand>This is producer brand</g:brand>
<g:price>49,90 USD</g:price>
<g:sale_price>39,90 USD</g:sale_price>
<g:availability>in stock</g:availability>
<offers version="1">
<group name="other">
<o id="ISC6020000613" url="" price="39,02 PLN" weight="0.0300" stock="1" avail="1">
<cat>We/take/category from/here</cat>
<name>This is my product name</name>
<desc>What a lovely product</desc>
<main url=""/>
<i url=""/>
<a name="Producent">This is producer brand</a>
<a name="Kod_producenta">ISC6020000613</a>
<a name="Pojemnosc">30 ml</a>
<a name="namePl">Some other attribute</a>
<a name="sale_price">29,02 PLN</a>
<a name="sale_price_effective_date">2016-02-24T13:00-0800/2016-02-29T15:30-0800</a>
<a name="availability_date">2016-11-25T13:00-0800</a>
<a name="expiration_date">2016-02-24</a>
<a name="complementary_product_ids">ABC7020000613~DEF8020000613~GHI9020000613</a>
<offer file_format="IOF" version="3.0" generated_by="IdoSell Shop" generated="2019-08-01 11:01:19" expires="2019-08-02 11:01:19" extensions="yes">
<products language="pol" currency="PLN">
<product type="regular" id="7002" vat="23.0" producer_code_standard="GTIN12" code_on_card="FUND-001 / 375833-010" site="6" currency="PLN">
<producer id="24" name="Brand of product"/>
<category id="1236067664" name="We > take > category from > here"/>
<unit id="0" name="szt."/>
<card url=""/>
<name type="name" xml:lang="pol">This is product name</name>
<short_desc xml:lang="pol">What a lovely product</short_desc>
<long_desc xml:lang="pol">What a lovely product. What a lovely product. What a lovely product. </long_desc>
<iaiext:delivery_time unit="day" value="1"></iaiext:delivery_time>
<price gross="64.99" net="52.84"/>
<srp gross="0" net="0"/>
<strikethrough_retail_price gross="119.99" net="97.55"/>
<strikethrough_wholesale_price gross="119.99" net="97.55"/>
<iaiext:site id="6" size_id="0" gross="64.99" net="52.84"/>
<iaiext:site id="6" size_id="0" gross="64.99" net="52.84"/>
<iaiext:site id="6" size_id="0" gross="0.01" net="0.01"/>
<promotion name=""/>
<image url="" changed="2013-01-02 00:00:00" hash="2dbbdb78f4f5f42bb65d4ffa96f53501" width="800" height="800"/>

Product feed requirements

  • The product feed must be an XML file provided as an URL, e.g.:

  • The encoding of the file must be in UTF-8 format

  • The file must be hosted by your shop

  • You must not block access to the file from certain locations (e.g. selected countries)

  • The file must be able to be downloaded from IPs,, (this is the IPs from which you are downloading the file)

  • The file must not force authorization to open

  • The file cannot be password-protected

Links to graphics and products must not be given with spaces. If there are blanks, the system may not read the value of the attribute correctly.
Example of an incorrect link:
<g:link> </g:link>

Mandatory parameters in the file (example of parameters basing on GMC feed)

Mandatory regardless of the functionality you want to use in edrone (for Ceneo and IAI feed standards parameters may be named differently):

Category parameter (e.g. product_type in GMC) is very important in many functionalities, that is why we should treat it as mandatory. It is important for functionalities like:

  • dynamic elements Selected Products & Bestsellers;

  • categories in Custom Flows;

  • full tree of categories in Cross-selling ready flow;

  • Marketing Machine (MM) recommendation frames;

  • filters in various features.

Optional parameters in the feed

The following attributes are optional but may be relevant if you plan to use certain functionalities in edrone:

  • sale_price - used in dynamic elements and MM frames;

  • quantity - mandatory for Low stock products flow;

  • complementary_product_ids - optional when you use MM frames;

  • expiration_date - a parameter that defines the availability of a product within a certain period of time.

Do you need additional help?

If you have any additional questions about product feed, please contact us at

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