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General Overview Dashboard
Ilona Srebnicka avatar
Written by Ilona Srebnicka
Updated over a week ago

Metrics are at the heart of any successful online business. But it's one thing to have access to a ton of raw data scattered in several places, and another to have everything neatly organized and beautifully displayed right at your fingertips.

That's exactly what edrone's new General Overview dashboard does: it displays your eCommerce's most vital metrics, in real-time and in one place.

Its purpose is to provide you with a quick assessment of your online store's health in any given period of time (day, week, month, quarter, year, or a custom range). After reading the results and comparing them with your business goals, you will be able to determine whether that period was successful or not, what's working in your strategy and what's not, and exactly how much value you're extracting out of edrone.

Main features, updates, and constraints

The dashboard was created based on our accumulated experience working with over 1000 online stores around the world, in-depth interviews with existing edrone users, Marketing Technology benchmarks, and UX best practices.

Includes all the metrics you should be analyzing, such as CLV (Customer Lifetime Value), AOV (Average Order Value), contact base growth for email and push newsletters, Repeat Rate, and Purchase Frequency.

Data harvesting periods for each metric are described below:

  • Email subscribers are counted from the beginning of the integration

  • Revenue from Engagements is calculated from data as far back as late 2019

  • Revenue from Marketing Machine is counted from March 2020

  • AOV is counted from March 18, 2020

  • CLV and its components are counted from April 17, 2020

  • The repeat Rate is counted from May 2020

  • Push subscribers are counted from April 2021

How to navigate the dashboard?

To find your General Overview dashboard, log into your Mission Control and then go to REPORTS > GENERAL OVERVIEW. We'll go into detail for each part of the dashboard, but there are a few common functionalities across all of them:

  • The dashboard is divided into cards and sections

  • All charts can be filtered by time using the calendar menu. Cards cannot be filtered by time.

  • The calendar menu allows for the selection of a specific range, or predefined periods (last 7 days, last 30 days, etc).

  • Most charts contain a tooltip (the question mark icon) that explains the definition of a given metric.

  • You can customize the period granularity (days, weeks, months, or years) of each chart by using the buttons at the bottom of each section

  • Cards are calculated based on the last 30 days and compared to the previous period.


Cards are the six metrics that appear right at the top of the dashboard:

  • Impact Rate: percentage of the total income that came from edrone's features.

  • Repeat Rate: percentage of customers in the database that made more than one purchase within the last 12 months, excluding multiple purchases made on the same day.

  • CLV (Customer Lifetime Value): represents the total amount of money a customer is expected to spend in your store during their lifetime.

  • Revenue: Total revenue registered by edrone from the shop

  • AOV (Average Order Value): Average value of all orders placed. AOV = Revenue/number of orders.

  • Subscribers Increment: Increase in your email and push subscriber base, expressed in absolute numbers.

Cards are calculated based on the last 30 days, and compared to the previous period.

For example, if you view your dashboard on June 30th, the cards will show you metrics from June 1st to June 30th, and on the bottom of the card ("vs Last Month") these will be compared to the period from May 2nd to May 31st. The variation from one period to the other will be shown in percentages, with green arrows signaling an increase and red arrows signaling a decrease.

Since they are updated daily and have a fixed time frame, cards cannot be filtered.

Impact Rate

In this section, we will analyze the revenue under edrone's impact over the selected time period, i.e. all orders that have been attributed by edrone. You can read how edrone attributes revenue here. The Impact Rate shows you what percentage of your shop's total revenue is generated by edrone. If the Impact Rate is 31.9%, this means that for every $100 of revenue, $31.90 comes from automation scenarios, newsletters, edrone's Marketing Machine, or Social Proof widget.

In the chart Revenue from email open, email clicks & Marketing Machine you will analyze the distribution of revenue by attribution time (up to 1h, up to 3h, 1 day, 3 days, 1 week, 1 month), and each bar is broken down by customer action (email opens and email clicks) and Marketing Machine. Here you will analyze the orders in which edrone has participated and the time elapsed from customer action to order. By clicking on any variable, you can exclude it from being displayed on the graph.

In the chart Impact Rate per date Revenue you will analyze the orders generated by edrone and the time that has passed since the customer performed the action. By clicking on any variable, you can exclude it from being displayed on the chart. Here, you can analyze this data on a daily, weekly, monthly, and annual basis.

CLV (Customer Lifetime Value)

This indicator shows the total amount a customer will spend during their relationship with your shop. It is calculated on the basis of four indicators, which are presented as line graphs and show their change over time.

  • Average order value (AOV): average order value. Users are divided into three groups: influenced by edrone, without edrone, and All orders. This value tells us how much on average a customer spends in our shop with each order.

AOV = total revenue/ total order count (previous 12 months)

  • Purchase Frequency: how often, on average, a customer makes a purchase within a period of 12 months.

PF = total order count/number of unique customers (previous 12 months)

  • Customer Value: The average value of a customer over the last 12 months. Shows how much one customer spends on average with us


Repeat Rate

This shows the percentage of customers that made more than one purchase within the last 12 months, excluding multiple purchases made on the same day. You will analyze here on a graph the percentage of customers making repeat purchases over a 12-month period, customers who make an order on the same day are not taken into account, the higher the value the more customers make repeat purchases over the year. The shopping frequency of customers, you can analyze the movements Under edrone, Without edrone, and All orders.

NOTE: Since this metric is calculated based on the previous 12 months, it will give you a full picture after at least a year of integration with edrone.


In the top section, you will analyze the number of total email and push subscribers, and the changes over time, with graphs detailing how these changes have looked over time.

Revenue from emails

In this section, you will analyze orders under edrone and their value, as well as the percentage of orders and percentage of revenue under edrone. You can analyze orders and revenues in a bar chart on a daily, weekly, monthly, and annual basis.

Revenue from onsites

If you do not have a Marketing Machine framework in place at the moment this data is not available, but we are working on it. If you have a frame on the site the data refers to the results from the frame

Cancelled orders

If your platform sends information to edrone about canceled orders, you will see the number of canceled orders and canceled revenues in this section.

Need more help?

If you have any further questions about the General Overview Dashboard, please do not hesitate to contact us at

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