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Why import the contact database?
Why import the contact database?
Weronika Kapias avatar
Written by Weronika Kapias
Updated over 6 months ago

The edrone system automatically collects data about every visitor of the site, creating a customer profile that is continuously updated. So what are the benefits of importing your database into the edrone system?

Importing your customer base into the edrone system has many benefits for both you and your customers.

Sending newsletters

First of all, it is the opportunity to use our newsletter creator, which gives you the opportunity to reach your target audience directly. This is a powerful marketing tool so it is worth using it.

User segmentation

Segmentation can be done using tags, for example, so we can group our users according to our own requirements.

Importing the customer base also allows us to segment the database based on criteria such as demographics, date of birth, or gender.

Ability to identify customers

Users you upload to the system will not receive any communication until they decide to visit the site themselves.

Newsletters in edrone are mainly used to send marketing content. However, if the message will not contain information encouraging a purchase, but will only fulfill the information obligation on processing personal data (e.g. when updating the store's privacy policy), you can send it to both subscribers and customers with unknown status.

Need more help?

If you have any further questions about the database import, please do not hesitate to contact us at

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