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Instructions for integration with WooCommerce platform
Instructions for integration with WooCommerce platform
Wioleta Jednaka avatar
Written by Wioleta Jednaka
Updated today

To integrate with the WooCommerce platform, you need to download the edrone integration package and install it in the shop.

1. To do so, log into your edrone account, then click on your account name and go to Integrations > Platforms > Change Integration:

Click on Integrations

Click the WooCommerce icon and then "Download package".

2. Log in to the WordPress panel, go to "Plugins" and select "Add New Plugin".

3. Click the button "Upload Plugin", which is in the upper left corner.

4. Select a previously downloaded package and continue by clicking the button "Install Now"

5. Go to "Installed Plugins" and activate the previously preloaded plugin "Edrone Integration'.

6. Go to "WooCommerce" and select "Settings", and then select Integration > Edrone Me.

7. Add "App ID" and "App Secret" which you can find in "Integrations" tab (in edrone panel where you were downloading a module) in point No. 3 and click "Save changes".

That is all! Integration is DONE

Additional configuration fields in the plugin:

  • Send order through server - enable this option if for some reason your store has issues with sending order events through browser. This option also makes sure that AdBlocks do not block this event.

  • Select your newsletter plugin - if you are using third-party module to gather subscriptions on your store, select it from the dropdown list. Then edrone plugin will try to determine how this newsletter subscription plugin works and start sending subscription traces and enable subscription status synchronization. This option will be hidden if we do not detect any newsletter subscription plugin on your store.

    • WARNING: this is an experimental option, does not guarantee that it will work on every store. If you think that edrone is failing to collect subscriptions from your store, reach out edrone Support with the name of a plugin that you are using and WordPress shop version.

If after integration you get an error and your platform does not work, connect to your server via FTP/sFTP and find your WordPress installation directory (on UNIX it is typically located in /var/www/html).

Enter wp-content/plugins and rename the woocommerce-edrone-me_latest folder to any other name to disable the plugin (for example - woocommerce-edrone123)

Please contact us, and we'll try to solve this problem

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