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Instructions for integration with Shoper platform
Instructions for integration with Shoper platform
Wioleta Jednaka avatar
Written by Wioleta Jednaka
Updated over 3 months ago

To integrate edrone with your store on the Shoper platform, follow the steps below:

If you are upgrading the version of the application, be sure to uninstall the old version and then download the new application according to the following steps.

1. Log into your edrone account, then click on your account name and go to Integration > Platforms > Change Integration or Integrate your e-commerce platform

2. Then from the available integrations, select the appropriate platform: Shoper, then click Integrate with Shoper

3. A new tab will open with our plugin. They will install it.

4. You will be asked to enter the address of your online store. Enter the address and log in to it.

5. Then install our app and go to the Moje aplikacje tab in the store panel.

6. Go to our app by clicking on our logo (hamburger).

7. Connect to your edrone account - if you already have one, of course. You will be asked to log into your edrone account with the same login credentials you use in edrone. Also enter the workspace you want to integrate.

8. Bravo, that's it! You are integrated with edrone.

9. After completing these steps, go to Moje aplikacje > edrone again and check if the application needs to be given additional permissions:

Click on Aplikacja wymaga dodatkowych zezwoleń, aby działać poprawnie

10. Once the integration is complete, we will automatically download your customer data, orders and products.

If the integration page shows an error or takes a long time to load, refresh it so the view loads again.

Need more help?

If you have any further questions about integrating your online store with edrone, please do not hesitate to contact us at

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