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Instructions for integration with Opencart platform
Instructions for integration with Opencart platform
Wioleta Jednaka avatar
Written by Wioleta Jednaka
Updated over 11 months ago

To integrate with Opencart platform, you need to download the integration package by going to Settings-->Integration section. Click the Opencart icon and then click the "Download package in point 1" button.

  1. Log in to the Admin Panel.

  2. Then from the side menu choose "Extensions > Installer".

  3. Upload previously downloaded package

  4. Go to Extensions and form selector choose "Modules"

  5. Find edrone Module and click install

  6. After installation, click on edit. Enter the App_id and App_secrect that you find in point 3 of the instructions in the platform and click "Save"

  7. Now go to Design -> Layouts

  8. Find "Home" and click edit on the icon

  9. In the "Content Top" section add a new row

  10. Choose "edrone Module"

  11. Click Save in the top right corner

  12. Repeat steps 9 to 11 for checkout, category, and product layouts

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