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Instructions for integration with IdoSell platform
Instructions for integration with IdoSell platform
Wioleta Jednaka avatar
Written by Wioleta Jednaka
Updated over 4 months ago
  1. Log in to your edrone account, then click on your account name and go to Integration > Platforms > Change Integration.

  2. Click the IdoSell icon and then the "Download package"

3. Log in to your control panel

4. Select the "Moderation" tab, and choose "HTML and JavaScript snippets" from the Frontend Design section.

5. Import the package downloaded from the system by pressing ‘Campaign ICF import’:

6. In the list of campaigns, find edrone campaign and press ‘edit campaign’.

7. Select the shop you wish to integrate, switch the radio button to ‘Yes’ and save by clicking on the ‘Save’ button.

8. Is that all?

Bravissimo, you have just passed the basic and required part of the edrone x Idosell integration. The integration can take up to 24 hours to load, but if the dashboard does not ‘unlock’, you will need to repeat the integration step by first removing the plug-in you have previously added or contact our service department at

The next integration step, i.e. setting up the API client, is an optional step, you will read more about it in the next subsection.

9. What if I have a shop with multiple language versions?

If you have a shop with multiple language versions, please refer to these instructions -> INSTRUCTION.

Setup API account

Setting up the API client in the system is an optional step, but we recommend going through it to fully exploit the potential of integration with the Idosell platform.

This step allows you to upload data from your shop platform to the edrone system, such as: archived orders, product categories and customer lists. If you do not configure an API client, this information will not be automatically uploaded. In this case:

  • We will only receive information about new orders via your browser.

  • We will retrieve the data about product categories from the trace, i.e. the received events thanks to the integration or from the product feed, if you upload it to the system.

  • You will have to upload the list of customers manually.

  1. Select ‘Administration’ and go to the ‘Administration panel user’ tab:

  2. Select "Add User"

  3. Fill in all fields as shown below. Set the password individually

    • Set up any login.

    • Add an email that is your contact email (you can add an email that you use or a newly created one for the purpose of creating the user).

    • Add any password for the user you are creating.

    Mark your main warehouse.

    Remember about switching Automatic e-mail notifications to NEVER. It is important due to privacy law regulations.

  4. Go to ‘Installation, uninstallation and shops configuration’’:

  5. Copy the URL of the technical domain

6. Return to the edrone Integration section and enter the credentials and technical domain created.

1. In the Import data from IAI section, enter the previously copied technical domain and use the login and password of the created user.

For the edrone system, copy the full name of your technical domain or the first part of it, for example the shortened technical domain from the screenshot above demo87-pl.

Make sure that you do not enter the same password with which you log in to our edrone panel as your password. The edrone password and the API client password are two different passwords. You will see what password you have for the API client in the API client details, along with your login. In place of the login, enter your email address or, if the API client won't load, enter the username you provided when you created it. This is data from the IAI platform panel.

The value you need to enter into edrone (e-mail) can be found in "API client details" on the IAI platform. In the IAI platform panel, after entering administration → user management → select the edrone user from the list - edit, the data of this agent will appear - such as login, password (table under point 3 in this manual: Instructions for integration with the IdoSell platform | edrone Help Center). Make sure that they are identical to the data you entered into our edrone system.

2. Select which type of data you want to download from the shop platform. Select Customers to download the customer database first, then Category and Orders if you also want to upload this data to edrone.

If you do not tick any checkbox, the synchronisation after the API will only send information about subscription status changes from the platform to edrone.

3. When importing the customer base, select the time range from which we should download data from the platform and click button "Import data".

Important: This is an important step, so check exactly from which period you want to upload data.

  1. This step is optional

    To synchronize your subscription statuses, fill in the fields below and confirm by clicking the "Synchronize" button:

    Endpoint: When setting up edrone → platform synchronisation, do not specify any endpoint, just select the IAI_1 version:

    Version: select IAI_1 version

    Synchronized statuses: Select unsubscribed and subscribed statuses

For more information on how to synchronize your subscription status, check out our documentation.

Need more help?

If you have any further questions about integration please do not hesitate to contact us at

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