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Inbox Report

Keep track of your Customer Care performance!

Wioleta Jednaka avatar
Written by Wioleta Jednaka
Updated over a week ago

You are probably used to keeping track of your Marketing activities' performance – this is Online Marketing 101. But are you doing the same for your Customer Care efforts? If not, get ready to change that!

Your customers are your company's most precious asset, and as such, they deserve to be looked after. Once you have implemented a Customer Care strategy, you need to keep track of how it is performing in order to continuously improve it.

With edrone's Inbox Report, you will be able to keep track of vital KPIs such as:

  • Number of new conversations

  • Total number of messages exchanged

  • Average conversation ratings

  • Median first response time

  • Median closing time

  • ...and much more.

Keep reading and see everything the Inbox Report has to offer!


To access your Inbox Report, log in to your Workspace and then go to INBOX > INBOX REPORTS.

The first thing you will see are 6 metrics cards presenting a summary of your main Customer Care metrics over the past 30 days, comparing them to the previous 30 days. These metrics are refreshed every day.

  • New threads — How many conversations were started

  • Messages — Total number of messages exchanged between agents and customers

  • New inbox users Number of unique customers using Chat & Inbox

  • Labeled threads — Number of conversations with at least one label assigned

  • Average rating — Average rating of the conversations

  • Rating amounts — How many times conversations were rated by customers

Right below the cards you will find a calendar menu where you will be able to choose the time period of all the charts shown below.

You can click the calendar icon to select a custom range, or click on the clock icon to select a predefined range. By default, the calendar will be set to the last 30 days.

General Stats

This section contains four charts that show your Customer Care team's aggregate performance over the selected period of time.

  • New threads and messages — Number of threads and messages (from agents and customers). Conversations are always counted on the day they were created, even if they last for more than one day.

  • Users — Number of unique users using Chat & Inbox.

  • Average rating — Average rating of the conversations

  • Top 10 labels distribution The 10 most used tags, rated by the number of conversations assigned to them.

NOTE: All charts except the Top 10 labels distribution can be filtered to show results by day, week, month or year.

Stats per Agent

In this section, you will find performance metrics related to each agent.

The first item in this section is a table showing all agents and their respective performance metrics:

  • Average rating

  • Ratings amount

  • First response time (median) — The median time each agent is taking to respond to new conversations

  • Closing time (median) — The median time each agent is taking to close conversations

It is also possible to see the same charts as shown in the General Stats section, filtered by agent. To see the individual charts, select an agent from the Select Agent to expand Agent charts drop-down menu. The charts will appear below.

That's it! Keep track of your Customer Care performance in order to continuously improve it.

Need more help?

If you have any further questions about the Inbox Report, please do not hesitate to contact us at

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