What is a heatmap?
Heatmap allows you to visually show the intensity of recipients' behavior towards your email campaigns. The color depends on the number of unique clicks on a specific mailing element - the more red, the more user clicks.
What are unique clicks?
It is the number of individual recipients who clicked on a given campaign element. So if one person clicks a button three times, we will record all clicks three times, but unique clicks will be one.
Remember that if there is the same link under three different elements of the campaign, the clicks will be divided among these elements, e.g. three buttons are linked with an identical URL and the total clicks are 600 - each of these three buttons will have 200 clicks.
Where can you find the heatmap in edrone?
Go to the Newsletter tab from the Dashboard, press Preview the selected newsletter campaign, and go to the Popular Links section. When you scroll down, you'll see a preview of the newsletter you sent and circular markings of the intensity of the actions taken against the message by your recipients.
1. Click on NEWSLETTER section
2. Click on Preview button
3. Click on Popular Links section
4. Here is the number of clicks on the selected element of your campaign
Need more help?
In case of any additional questions about newsletter campaigns in edrone, please contact us via chat or e-mail us hello@edrone.me