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What filters to use to create your own segments in the Contacts section?
What filters to use to create your own segments in the Contacts section?

In this article, you will learn how you can create your own customer segments in the database using a variety of filters.

Kinga Klimczak avatar
Written by Kinga Klimczak
Updated over a week ago

The implementation of the new segmentation in the system is taking place in stages. The Contacts section will be made available gradually to a larger and larger pool of customers - so if you don't see this tab yet, don't worry!

It will soon appear in your account :)

Segmentation in e-commerce involves dividing the customer base into smaller, homogeneous groups based on a variety of criteria, such as demographics, shopping behavior, location or product preferences. This allows online stores not only to better understand their clients, but also to optimize product offers, marketing campaigns and sales strategies. Using the right filters will enable you to create segments that allow you to personalize your communications, resulting in increased customer satisfaction and loyalty, as well as higher conversion rates.

If you want to create your own segment, enter the Contacts section and then go to the second Segments tab.

1. Go to Contact section

2. Select the second tab Segments

3. Create your own segment using the available filters

Types of filters

To create your own customer segment, use a variety of filters that are divided into specific categories.

Customer action in the store

  • Viewed: this filter includes users who have viewed a product. It helps identify potential customers who have shown interest in certain products by viewing their details.

  • Added to cart: this filter targets users who have added a product to their cart. This is useful for tracking customers who are considering a purchase but have not yet finalized the transaction.

  • Placed an order: this filter includes users who made a purchase and placed an order. This helps identify actual customers and analyze purchase behavior.

  • Not viewed products: this filter includes users who have not viewed a specific product. This is useful for targeting campaigns to increase awareness or interest in specific products among users who have not yet seen them.

  • Not added to cart: this filter targets users who have not added any product to their cart. It helps identify users who may need more engagement or encouragement to consider a purchase.

  • Not placed an order: this filter includes users who have not placed an order. This is beneficial for retargeting campaigns aimed at converting potential customers who have shown a certain level of interest but have not yet made a purchase.

When you select a particular filter, you will sequentially have options to customize it:

  1. Any Product: Includes users who have viewed any product.

  2. Specific Product: Allows segmentation based on users who have viewed a specific product.

  3. Categories: Allows segmentation based on product categories viewed by users.

Customer action towards the email message

Segmentation email filters allow you to segment users based on their interactions with email campaigns. These filters help identify different levels of engagement and effectively target ads to specific groups of users. Available email filters include:

  • Opened: this filter includes users who opened the email message. It helps identify users who have shown interest in the content of an email by opening it.

  • Clicked: this filter targets users who have clicked links in an email message. It is useful for identifying users who are not only interested in the content of the email, but also take further action by clicking links.

  • Did not open: this filter includes users who did not open the email. It helps identify users who may need more attractive subject lines or different strategies to encourage them to open emails.

  • Not clicked: this filter targets users who opened an email but did not click on any of the links in it. This helps identify users who may need more engaging or relevant content to entice them to click.

  • Could not send: this filter includes users to whom emails could not be sent. This helps identify email delivery problems and understand which users are not receiving emails due to delivery errors.

These filters can be refined based on the type of email campaign:

  1. Any newsletter: Segments users based on interactions with any newsletter.

  2. Any Automation: Includes users based on interactions with any automated emails

  3. Any Custom Flows: Targets users based on interactions with emails sent in Custom Flows.

  4. Specific Automation: Enables segmentation based on interactions with a specific automated email campaign (e.g. abandoned cart, recommendations, post-purchase...).


Tag filters in the segmentation function allow you to categorize and segment users based on the tags assigned to them.

There are two types of filters for tags:

  • Include tag: This category allows you to select all users assigned to a specific tag or tags.

  • Exclude tag: This category allows you to select all users without a specific tag or tags.

Additional options for customizing the tag filter:

1.Any of these: this filter works differently depending on whether it includes or excludes tags.

- for the include tag option: selects all users who have been assigned any of the specified tags. If a user has at least one of the specified tags, they will be included in the segment.

- for the exclude tag option: selects all users who do not have any of the specified tags. If the user does not have at least one of the specified tags, they will be included in the segment.

2. All of these: this filter works differently depending on whether it includes or excludes tags.

- for Include Tag: selects all users who have been assigned all the specified tags. If a user has each of the specified tags, they will be included in the segment.

- for the Exclude tag: selects all users who do not have all the specified tags. If a user is missing any of the specified tags, they will be included in the segment.

Contact properties

This filter will allow you to select specific attributes that the customer has or does not have. Available attributes include:

  • country

  • city

  • language

  • gender

  • phone number

  • first name

Customer Date

The filter allows you to specify the date when the contact was added to the account's customer database.

By selecting this filter you can specify the time in which the customer was added:

  • within last - a specific number of days

  • after - a specific date, for example, after August 1st

  • on - on a specific day

Order properties

The order properties filter in the segmentation function allows you to categorize and segment users based on certain order indicators, such as average order value, total order value or total number of orders.

We have three different categories of order properties:

  • Average order value - is a metric that calculates the average value generated per order. It is determined by dividing the total value of orders by the total number of orders in a given period.

  • Total order value - is the sum of the total value generated from all orders placed during a specific time period.

  • Total number of orders - is the number of all orders placed during the specified time period.

Time options (common to all filters)


These filters allow segmentation based on the time of user interaction with products. Available options include:

  • any time - includes user interactions regardless of the time frame.

  • within last - segments users based on interactions within a specified recent period (e.g., within the last 7 days, 30 days, etc.)

  • after - targets users based on interactions that occurred after a specific date (e.g., after 30.06)

  • on - filters users based on interactions that took place on a specific date.


These filters allow segmentation based on the frequency of user interactions

with products.

Available options include:

  • at least - includes users who have interacted with the product at least the specified number of times.

  • at most - includes users who have interacted with the product no more than a certain number of times.

  • exactly - filters users based on the exact number of interactions.

  • between - includes users whose interactions fall within the specified range.

Predefined segments

In the segments tab you will also find prepared predefined segments.

They will show the recalculated contacts according to the filters applied in them. You can duplicate these segments and change filters in the duplicates (you cannot change filters in the original default segment).

The available predefined segments are:

  1. New prospects - contacts who have not yet made an order in your store

  2. Click enthusiasts - contacts who have opened your newsletter in the last 30 days

  3. Sleeping contacts - contacts who have not browsed, added to cart, made an order or opened your newsletter in the last 30 days

  4. Potential WhatsApp contacts - contacts who have a phone number in your customer database

  5. Recent shoppers - contacts who have made at least 1 order in the last 30 days

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