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How to verify that a user has received a code for subscribing to a newsletter
How to verify that a user has received a code for subscribing to a newsletter

Step-by-step verification that the customer has received a subscription confirmation email and a discount code

Weronika Kapias avatar
Written by Weronika Kapias
Updated yesterday

A common question from customers is about a discount code for signing up for a newsletter. In this article, we will explain how to verify that a user may have received and received a message with a discount code.

Remember that a couple of factors influence the sending of a message from the 'newsletter sign-up' scenario. Check out the article "Why a customer did not receive a message after signing up for a newsletter".

If you are sure that:

  • your "newsletter sign-up" scenario is active

  • the form through which the user signed up is correctly integrated into edrone

proceed to further verification.

It is worth reminding yourself what message titles you have in the Newsletter subscription Scenario. This will allow you to efficiently analyze a user's activity history.

1. Enter the email address you wish to check in search box in edrone system and click enter

2. Verify e-mail subscription status

If you see here:

  • email subscription status subscribed - this means that the user is already a subscriber, Might have received messages from Newsletter Subscription (confirmed the subscription, received a code in the past) or their subscription status was sent via import (how to verify this, you will find below)

  • email subscription status unsubscribed - means that this user is currently unsubscribed from the newsletter. He or she might have already received an email with a discount code and unsubscribed from the newsletter after some time. The user can change his/her subscription status back to unsubscribed by signing up via the sign-up form on the website, but he/she will not receive the code message a second time if he/she has already received it before.

  • email subscription status unknown - in the case of a brand new user in the database and the use of the double opt-in subscription model, this status means that the user has subscribed but has not yet confirmed their subscription.

Below, we will describe an extended verification of user activity, where you will see exactly what influenced the change in subscription status. This is important for the reason that the status can be changed manually on the customer's card, by import, by synchronizing subscription statuses, or in extreme cases - it can be incorrectly sent by the integration.

Note that if you manually change a user's subscription status on the customer card, for example, from unsubscribed to subscribed, messages from the Newsletter Subscription scenario will not be sent. Only the user's status will change, but it will not trigger messages from the mentioned scenario.

3. Verify the assigned customer tag

Here, make sure that the tag you have assigned is activated in the Newsletter Subscription scenario -> adjust section.

If you do not find this tag in the active tags, the message could not be sent and you have to activate this tag so that on subsequent sign-ups the confirmation message and discount code will be sent automatically.

You may find several different assigned tags, depending on how your sign-up forms are integrated and how the user's activity has progressed.

If a user signs up several times from different sign-up locations, all those tags that are added under the forms through which the user signs up will be assigned to the customer card - as a trace that the customer has tried to sign up again.

4. Verify customer activities

Here, look for the fact that a newsletter sign-up message has been sent in the activity list.

  • If you only find a subscription confirmation message - this means that a message has been sent to the customer, but the customer has not confirmed their subscription.

  • If you find a subscription confirmation message with a discount code (in the case of the double opt-in model), this means that the customer has confirmed their subscription and received a discount code.

Detailed analysis of user activity and subscription history

If you need to verify your subscription progress in even more detail - click Export to HTML on the customer card.

Once the customer card has been generated, download it to your computer and open it. The customer card contains a lot of information about that user, but we will focus on 3 sections in this case.

  • Click "CUSTOMER_ENGAGEMENT" in the exported customer card to access the details of the messages sent to this user.
    You may find that your user will have significantly more campaigns in this list. You will need to find a script called "NEWSLETTER SUBSCRIPTION". Use the message titles that these messages have and the dates.

  • In "CUSTOMER_ENGAGEMENT_COUPON" you can see which specific discount code was sent to the user.
    You can use this information when you see that a user has received a message but is still unable to find it in their mailbox.
    From the customer card exported to HTML, you can copy the individual discount code found in the "COUPON_CODE" column.

  • In the "CUSTOMER_SUBSCRIBE" section, on the other hand, you can analyse changes in the user's subscription statuses over time. From this section, you can deduce whether, for example, a customer's status has been changed via import or whether the customer has tried to subscribe to the newsletter multiple times.

An important point to note is that if you have already received a message with a discount code from the "Newsletter subscription" scenario, you will not receive this message, and therefore the code, a second time for the same e-mail address.

This is a blockage on the part of our system that prevents you from regularly unsubscribing and re-subscribing to get the discount code again.

Using the information in the customer card exported to HTML, you can deduce if, for example, your customer was once a subscriber, received the code, then unsubscribed, and then tried to subscribe again and is expecting a message with the code. As you already know - the customer will not receive a code a second time for subscribing to the newsletter.

Need more help?

If you have any further questions about the Newsletter Subscription scenario, please do not hesitate to contact us at

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