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Revenue analysis from edrone after integration
Revenue analysis from edrone after integration
Wioleta Jednaka avatar
Written by Wioleta Jednaka
Updated over a week ago

Revenue analysis from edrone

Before you start analyzing data from edrone in GA4, remember that edrone is not a tool for generating traffic to your website. Analyzing revenue from edrone in GA4 alone is incorrect. In GA, you primarily analyze various marketing channels that generate traffic to your website and the quality of that traffic. Edrone, on the other hand, is a tool for building a customer database, increasing brand visibility, engaging users, increasing their loyalty and customer lifetime value (CLV), and recovering abandoned carts. Data related to these objectives cannot be measured in GA. However, we understand that every e-commerce store owner or e-commerce specialist will analyze results from edrone in GA, so we will guide you to the specific views that will allow you to do so.

In which model do you analyse the data

Before you begin analyzing revenue from edrone, you need to know in which attribution model you are analyzing them.

You may already be aware that Google Analytics has introduced a new attribution model called data-driven, which provides a broader perspective on sales channels. You can learn how this model works here, but not all reports in GA4 are based on this attribution model.

How is this possible?

It's important to note that Analytics uses various attribution models to assign credit to advertisements, clicks, and other interactions along the user's path leading to your website or application.

In dimensions limited to user and session, Analytics uses the Channels - Last Click attribution model (as seen in the source/medium view in GA Universal). Changing the attribution model in the Settings section does not affect these dimensions. Therefore, all reports based on sessions and users will have the last-click attribution model applied. You can find more information here:

These would include views like:

  • Acquisition, Traffic Acquisition

  • Acquisition, User Acquisition

  • all reports where the session or first user variable is used

In the case of dimensions limited to events, Analytics defaults to a data-driven attribution model, but you can choose a different attribution model. All reports with dimensions related to event-based traffic use the attribution model you select.

How to find edrone revenue in GA4

Revenue from edrone should be analyzed in terms of customer paths and touchpoints on the journey that contributed to the user's final decision. We understand that the customer's path is not straightforward before making a purchase. In e-commerce, the ideal conversion, of course, is the purchase of a product or service. However, the path leading to the purchase is usually not so straightforward. Before a customer decides to buy a product or service, they often visit your website several, or even dozens of times. Each of these actions represents a touchpoint that contributes to the user's final decision.

In Google Analytics 4, you can analyze revenue from edrone using various views and different attribution models supported by Google Analytics for different reports. It's important to be aware of the attribution model in which the data you are analyzing is presented. This is not as straightforward as it may seem.

Base your data analysis on the segment: edrone Attribution

During the integration of edrone with your GA4 account, one of the initial steps was to add segments to your GA account. Once these segments are created, you will have the ability to analyze revenue from edrone using a similar attribution model as edrone. If you haven't added these segments yet, please do so as soon as possible. Unfortunately, the data will only be available after their creation. You can learn how to add a segment here:

Why did you add these segments?

It's simple. Segments allow you to analyze all traffic from edrone using an attribution model that matches edrone's attribution model. For example, if there was an email open or email click on the path to a purchase within 30 days, the revenue will be attributed to edrone. All other reports in GA4 use a different attribution model.

How to add a segment to views?

You can add segments to various views in GA4. Our created segment includes users who clicked on an email and visited the website or users who only opened an email, and Google attributed this event.

To add a segment, in your selected view, click on "Add a filter" at the top of the report and choose the segment using the "Audience name", exactly matches, then, select the group named "attribution - Edrone" created during the integration.

Analysis of revenue from edrone in GA4

You can analyze how much revenue edrone has generated for your store and which specific campaigns have contributed to generating revenue in the Engagement => Conversions => section. Expand (click) "Purchase," and then add a filter from the list by selecting choose the segment using the "Audience name", exactly matches, then, select the group named "attribution - Edrone" created during the integration.

On this detailed report, you can analyze conversions and total revenue.

Traffic analysis with edrone

Analyzing traffic sources and their impact on the website in conjunction with metrics such as the number of events allows you to assess the effectiveness of various marketing activities and identify the most important sources of traffic that bring valuable users. If you want to check the sessions generated by edrone and email open events, whether from new visitors or returning users, you can analyze this in the Acquisition => Traffic Acquisition report.

Here, you should also add the segment created during integration, which will allow you to analyze all the traffic generated by edrone, taking into account the attribution model that enables a comprehensive analysis of the traffic.

Where can I find which products were most frequently purchased by customers coming from edrone?

In GA4, you can also check which products customers most frequently purchased and viewed from the traffic generated by edrone. You can access this insight by going to the Reports => Monetization => E-commerce Purchases section and adding the created segment (user list name strictly matches Attribution edrone - the name of your segment created during integration).

Why edrone revenue in GA differs from data in edrone

The data between GA4 and edrone will always differ, often significantly.

Why does this happen?

  1. Inability to correctly transmit events responsible for email opens to GA, primarily due to the lack of user_id support by the platform (a common cause).

  2. Different attribution models - edrone has its own method for determining which revenue was generated with its assistance.

  3. Comparing results in the last-click attribution model between GA4 and edrone, where different attribution models are used.

  4. Differences caused by "front-end" integration - if the edrone integration lacks a connection to the platform's backend, discrepancies can be substantial.

  5. Discrepancies due to the quality of traffic data collected by GA and data sampling.

  6. In GA4, only events responsible for email opens and clicks are sent, so you won't find attribution data for social proof or recommendation frames.

Analysis of revenue in the data-driven attribution model

In GA4, you can analyze the paths customers take to conversions and how various attribution models allocate conversion credit to these paths. You can analyze this data in the Attribution Comparison report, which you can find in the Advertising section. This report includes data for all users.

By default, both the chart and data table present your data grouped by the Default Channel Grouping dimension. Using the menu above the chart and in the data table, you can display data based on the Source, Medium, or Campaign dimension. Type "edrone" into the search bar and press Enter if you have selected the source.

Next, change the dimension to Campaign while keeping the variables you entered earlier.

With these settings, you will be able to analyze the revenue generated by campaigns participating in the path to purchases. Additionally, you can analyze this revenue using two selected attribution models. You can learn more about attribution models here.

Traffic analysis - "Traffic acquisition" report in last click attribution model

If you want to check sessions generated by edrone in the last-click attribution model, go to the Acquisition => User Acquisition section. In the additional default dimension, Session - Default Channel Grouping, edrone will appear as "Email." In this view, you can analyze the sources and acquisition campaigns, which means how users are arriving at your website, and identify the most effective campaigns and channels.

To analyze which campaigns generate the most traffic, we recommend adding the additional dimension Session - Campaign to sessions - source/medium. In the search bar, type "edrone."

edrone's advice

Adding a segment to every view might not be straightforward, it's time-consuming, and it's easy to forget about it in a hurry. That's why we recommend that you dedicate a few minutes to set up dedicated views specifically for edrone. It's a one-time effort that will make your data analysis easier. At the same time, remember that edrone is not a tool for generating traffic to your website; it's a tool for building a customer database, increasing brand visibility, engaging users, and increasing their loyalty.


As you've likely noticed, you can analyze edrone results in GA4 through various reports and by applying different attribution models. We recommend adding a segment and saving your custom edrone report in the library (instructions here).

If you encounter any issues with this, feel free to ask edrone support for assistance. At the same time, remember that edrone is not a tool for generating traffic to your website; it's a tool for building a customer database, increasing brand visibility, engaging users, increasing their loyalty, and analyzing edrone data in GA alone will not be sufficient.

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