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Integration of edrone with Google Analytics 4
Integration of edrone with Google Analytics 4

See how to integrate your workspace with GA4

Wioleta Jednaka avatar
Written by Wioleta Jednaka
Updated over 6 months ago

Why I should integrate edrone with GA4

Without edrone's integration with GA, you won't be able to fully analyze the results from edrone in Google Analytics, we will only send events responsible for clicks when there was a conversion to the site, using the UTMs attached to the links. Such events are only a small part of customer contact with edrone, you will not be able to analyze customer contact with emails that were not followed by a click, so you will analyze on average only about 5%-10% of conversions in which edrone participated.

What it needs to perform integration

To integrate, you will need the MEASUREMENT ID, API Secret, create a dedicated segment, and set up user_id transmission from your platform to GA4. To integrate, you must have access to data at least at the Marketer level.

4 Steps for a successful edrone => GA4 integration:

  1. Fill in the Measurement ID and API Secret.

  2. Create a segment for edrone.

  3. Add user_id transmission from your platform to GA4.

  4. Create custom libraries in GA (recommended).

Step 1

Fill in the Measurement ID and API Secret (Secret Value)

You will perform the integration of edrone with Google Analytics 4 in the SETTINGS section.

Click on Settings


Click on Integrations


Click on Google Analytics

and connect the data.

Click on Connect

For the integration, you will need a MEASUREMENT ID and an API Secret.

(In order to generate secret API keys, you must have editing privileges on the service)

Go to GA, navigate to the Administration section, and click on Data Streams in the Service column.

Click the current data stream and copy your MEASUREMENT ID

and copy your MEASUREMENT ID

Paste this ID into your edrone account, in the place of Measurement ID

Additionally, you will need to create Measurement Protocol API Interface Secrets. To do this, reopen the data stream.

click Measurement Protocol API secrets

(If you don't have this view, meaning you don't see the Measurement Protocol API Interface Secrets option, it indicates that your GA permissions are insufficient).

Before creating the API, you must accept the terms related to user data collection.

Confirm data collection by clicking on Read terms, then confirm terms.

After confirming, click Create, enter the name of the secret key (you can use the name edrone), and then click Create. Click the copy icon to copy the secret key, and then paste it in your edrone account in place of the API Secret.

As you have added your data, you can consider the first step complete, so move on to step II.

Step 2

Creating a Segment for edrone

In the second step, you should add a new audience group to your GA, which you will later use for reporting.

Go to GA, navigate to the Administration section, and click on Audiences in the Service column.

Then click on the New audience button.

In the window that appears, select Create custom audience

In the top left corner add the name: Attribution-Edrone

Then click Add new condition and search in the Default channel group list.

Next, click next to + Add filter and enter Email in the empty field, click Apply.

Note that due to the 30-day attribution window, the data for the segment created in this step will be able to be correctly analysed 30 days after its creation.

Step two, you have already completed, move on to step 3

Step 3

Adding sending user_id to GA4 and edrone

In step 3, you will add a short piece of code that will enable your platform to transmit user_id to GA4 (if your platform hasn't already added support for this on its end) and also to edrone.

The User-ID feature allows you to associate your own identifiers with individual users, allowing you to connect their behavior across different sessions and on various devices and platforms. Analytics interprets each user identifier as a distinct user, providing a more accurate count of users and a more comprehensive history of the user's relationship with your company.

The platform integration is based on implementing the following scripts:

  1. An initialization code that must be present on every page of your store, for example, in the HTML code's head section. You can also add it using Google Tag Manager.

<script type="text/javascript"> 
{ window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
gtag('config', 'G-XXXXXXXXX', { // G-XXXXXXXXX -> measurement ID
'user_id': '{user_id}'
window._edrone = window._edrone || {};
_edrone.user_id = '{user_id}';


Remember to replace G-XXXXXX with Measurement Id, which you will find in GA4, or in edrone, under Settings=> Google Analytics, if you have previously followed step 1.

The {user_id} variable is not universal for all stores. You need to customize the way this parameter is passed in each platform. In the place where we have: {user_id} you need to pass the customer ID from the store to the script in the correct way.

By inserting a short code, you add the user_id upload from your platform to GA4, and thus increase the quality of analysis of your data, not only from edrone, as this is the main identifier on which Google Analytics 4 is based.

You can find detailed documentation here

Step 4

Create your own libraries in GA (recommended)

Step, this one is recommended but not required, create your own views in which to analyse the results from edrone.

More information here: article

This was the final step to achieve edrone integration with GA.

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