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Create dedicated reports for edrone in GA4
Create dedicated reports for edrone in GA4
Wioleta Jednaka avatar
Written by Wioleta Jednaka
Updated over a week ago

Once you know what edrone data you will want to analyse create your libraries, i.e. the reports you will always have at hand.

It's a good idea to use the Library that Google Analytics provides for this purpose, thanks to it you will always have the edrone report at hand, in the list of basic reports. Of course, this is just our suggestion, which is a good place to start and expand with new views.

To be able to create a new report library, you must have Editor or Administrator rights. If you don't have these, ask for Administrator access. It is really worth it, having your own collection of reports will allow you to analyze your data even faster and more efficiently.

Getting started

What is a library in GA

The Report Library allows you to manage and customize reports and navigate the Reports section of the service in Google Analytics. Users with the role of Editor or Administrator can access the report library in the bottom left corner of the Reports section.

More info here

Interface elements

The report library consists of two interface elements,

Collections: in this section, you can select the reports displayed on the left-hand side, in the navigation bar

Reports: in this section you can create, manage and customise reports in Google Analytics, they may be visible later, in the collections section

Creating collections

You should start creating views for edrone by creating a collection to which you will later attach reports.

Go to the Report section and open the collection

and click the plus icon to create a new collection

Of course you can use templates or create an empty collection, select Blanc

The collection should have a subject, e.g. edrone and the name of the collection visible in the list, e.g. both names could be edrone

The name of the collection after publication will appear in the navigation bar, also use the correct name of your report collection.

After saving the changes, your collection will appear in the Collections list.

It will be unpublished and will contain no report.

Create your report

Once you have your collection ready, it is time to create your report, which you will put there so that it is always available to you.

In the Library section, create a new report, Create detailed report

and then select an empty template, click to Blank

On such a blank report, we will select those Dimensions and indicators that we want to analyse later.

In the dimensions, we will select Audience name

Now it's time for the indicators, we recommend choosing the given Users, sessions, sessions with engaged sessions, conversions and total revenue or conversion rate per session. The choice of indicators will be up to you.

Next, we need to add a filter to analyse only traffic relating to events from edrone. In the filter, select in the dimension: Audience name, then the option: exactly matches and select the name of the saved segment you created during integration. (attribution -edrone)

Then save the report and give it a name, such as edrone revenue.

With the first report already set up, you now need to add it to the library you created earlier.

Click back and go to the libraries view. Here, add a new topic and move the report you created earlier to the detailed reports section. Save changes

Now, if the library is published (has a published status) your report will be available in the view of the other master reports.

Analyse campaigns

In the previous step, you added a revenue report and added it to the bibilote. Now it's time to add the Analyse Campaigns report, you'll find it useful to know which campaign from edrone brought in.

Repeat the steps. Create a new report, detail report, select a blank report.

Select Campaign to the dimensions, add the following to the indicators: users, sessions, sessions with engagement, conversions and total revenue or conversion rate per session.

Then add a filter by selecting: Audience name list name, exactly match, select the saved recipient group during integration and save the report.

Add a name, e.g. edrone Campaigns. Report later add this report to the library.

Traffic from edrone

You, dear customers, would probably also like to analyse traffic from edrone; we will help you prepare such a report too. This report will be in the last click model. Repeat the steps. Create a new report, detailed report, select a blank report, for dimensions select source/medium, for indicators add: users, sessions, sessions with engagement, conversions and total revenue or conversion rate per session.

Then add a filter by selecting: Audience name, exactly matches, select a saved recipient group and save the report. Add a name, e.g. edrone traffic. Report later add this report to the library.


Of course, these are just a few suggestions from us, you can develop the library with further reports, we recommend basing them on the Audience name - attribution-edrone, segment you added during the integration.

And that's it, now you can analyse the data from edrone.

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