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Rules in automation scenarios

Find out how to configure rules in automation scenarios

Klaudia Wilk avatar
Written by Klaudia Wilk
Updated over a month ago

Rules in automation scenarios define the number of messages, how they are delivered, frequency, delay after your customer's action on the page and exclusions.

You can find the rules in the automation scenarios in the ADJUST section of a given scenario.

Clarifying the rules in automations:

  • Number of messages - specify how many messages you want the scenario to send, you can set a cycle of 1 to 4 messages sent after cart abandonment. Then in the design section you will prepare as many versions of the message as you specified here.

  • Engagements Parameters - Based on the number of messages, here you will set how long after cart abandonment the first message, second, third...etc. should be sent. Depending on how many messages you set in the first point. We recommend using the first message to remind you about the products in your shopping cart, the second message to offer a discount code, etc.

  • Send not more often than - delay when the system starts sending the next cycle of messages from this scenario, i.e., if you set 2 days 4h, messages from this scenario will not be sent for 2 days 4h despite the customer's action. Why to do it. Customers do not always behave rationally, e.g., they add the product after purchase to the cart.

  • Do not send after order - When you select the range, the message will be sent to the customer if the cycle has not ended and has not purchased products.

Example parameters of the most popular scenarios in edrone:

Restore customers

the first message after 30 days, the second after 60; the scenario allows to engage users/customers who have not been on our site for a long time; usually we remind here about our brand; give news, what has changed on the site, maybe an interesting article that will mobilize to revisit/purchase, often also include recommended products, bestsellers.

Recover abandoned carts

after a few hours the first (1 to 5 hours), another message a few days later (1-5 days); standard reminder of products added to the cart, a suggestion of complementary products, in the second message a discount code to complete the purchase (of course, the second message can still remind you to return to the cart, you can also include a time limit, information that the products in question quickly disappear from the warehouse.

Viewed products

after one/more than 3 days (e.g., the first after the first day, the second 3 or 5 or 7 days, industries with goods that the customer needs to think about longer (such as lamps, furniture) we recommend extending this path a little.


about 1-3 days after the reviewed products, you can avalanche, for example, as the second message after the review can be recommendations, allowing you to show products, correlated on the basis of behavioral recommendations; then the second message from the reviewed products can go out. Analogously for shopping cart recommendations. Post-purchase recommendations can engage the customer on the basis of complementing a given "set" or recommending complementary, similar or higher-end products; the question of how we use a given scenario depends on how we want to act, how the potential customer behaves, how quickly we need to "catch" him, and how long we can try.

After sale

different possibilities, some customers use the scenario to send a message after about 10-14 days asking if the package has arrived, if everything in order, asking for feedback; another option is already at this stage to act gently to return the customer to the store: sending immediately after the purchase action a thank you and a discount code for further purchases; there

are also industries that do not use any procedures here, just send a thank you for the purchase itself.

Note: Pay attention to whether the rules are not mutually exclusive and optimize the action by adjusting the settings to your e-commerce, e.g. if products are abandoned often, reduce the time to receive the first message to 1-3h. If rarely, set, for example, 6h.

Need more help?
If you have more questions about rules in automation scenarios, do not hesitate to contact with us at

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