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Category Newsletters

Target your messages to customers based on the type of products they are interested in!

Wioleta Jednaka avatar
Written by Wioleta Jednaka
Updated over a week ago

Category Newsletters are perfect for targeting customers based on the type of product they are interested in.

This type of Newsletter allows segmenting an audience to include only people who have viewed or added products from a given product category and then send them all the newest releases or sales from that same category – or alternatively, sending product recommendations for related categories, effectively implementing a cross-selling strategy.

Let's learn how to use Category Newsletters!

How to set up a Category Newsletter


Step 1. Get Started

The first step is choosing whether you want to create a new campaign or edit a current one. After making your choice, click the NEXT: LANGUAGE button or select LANGUAGE from the progress bar on the top of the screen.

Step 2. Language

On the LANGUAGE section, you will see on the left side an overview of your customers (audience size, number of languages, and most popular language).

Based on this information, you can choose whether you want to send your Newsletter in only one language (Single language), or more than one (Multi language). You can choose as many languages as you want.

NOTE: Language information is collected automatically by edrone from your customer's browser language settings. This means that it is not linked to a specific location. For example, if a customer lives in France but their browser is set up in English, they will be considered an english-speaking customer.

Click on the NEXT: SENDER button, or choose SENDER from the progress bar.

Step 3. Sender

Here, you will set up who is sending the email: Name, E-mail, and Reply-to E-mail. You can input new data, or choose from a predefined sender (for example, the same sender you have previously used in for other newsletters).

Click on the NEXT: DESIGN button, or choose DESIGN from the progress bar.

Step 4. Design

On this section, you will design your email. Click here to learn how to use the Drag 'n' Drop Editor.

To continue, select COUPONS from the progress bar.

Step 5. Coupons (optional)

It is possible to add coupons to any email. You can choose between Static (same coupon for all customers) and Dynamic (each customer gets a unique coupon). We recommend using Dynamic coupons whenever possible.

Regardless of your choice, you will need to upload a CSV file with your coupons.

Once your files are ready, click on UPLOAD (CSV). Select which column contains the coupons, check the box if you wish to ignore the first line of your file (column titles, for example). If everything is OK, click on CONFIRM COLUMN. A green confirmation message should appear at the top right corner of your screen.

To continue, click on the NEXT: AUDIENCE button or choose AUDIENCE from the progress bar.

Step 6. Audience

Newsletter Categories allow you to segment customers based on their interaction (viewing a product, adding it to cart, or ordering it) with one or more of your store's product categories.

You can choose one of these interactions from the Event type drop-down menu.

It is possible to select one or more categories. These categories are based on your store's product feed. Click here to learn more about the product feed.

Each option can be filtered by month (from the current month up to the last 6 months) and city. It is also possible to segment further by subscription status:

  • SUBSCRIBED: Users who are subscribed to your mailing list.

  • SUBSCRIPTION STATUS UNKNOWN: Users who informed their email addresses (e.g. creating an account or making a purchase) but are not subscribed to your mailing list.


After choosing your audience, click on the NEXT: DATES button or select DATES from the progress bar.

Step 7. Dates

Here you will determine when your newsletter will be sent. You can choose to send them immediately, or schedule to another day and time.

NOTE: In edrone, times are in CET timezone.

We're almost done! Click the NEXT: REVIEW button or select REVIEW from the progress bar.

Step 8. Review

Send a test email to double-check if everything is working properly. When you're ready, click on the RUN or SCHEDULE button, and you're done!

Step 9. Reports

To view your Newsletter's performance, go to the REPORTS section on the progress bar. Here you will find the main metrics such as Engagement revenue, Sent, Opened, Clicked, Orders, Orders with Coupon, Unsubscribed, and CTR.

Need more help?

If you have any further questions about Category Newsletters, please do not hesitate to contact us at

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