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Segmentation possibilities in edrone
Segmentation possibilities in edrone

Maximize your results by sending your messages to the right audience!

Wioleta Jednaka avatar
Written by Wioleta Jednaka
Updated over a week ago

You are probably aware that communication is much more effective when you send your messages to segmented audiences.

However, there are several ways to segment an audience:

  • by demographics (e.g. age, gender, location).

  • by action (e.g. subscribed through a landing page, opened an email, clicked a link)

  • by behavior (e.g. how much the customer spends, how often they buy).

  • or really, any other way of grouping customers together that makes sense.

Using edrone, all of these are possible. In this article, we'll explore all segmentation possibilities at your disposal.

We recommend using different segmentation techniques for different situations. Also, don't forget to keep your client base clean by removing inactive contacts every six months or so.

Let's go!

Standard segmentations

edrone offers a few core segmentation options that are available to all clients. There are behavior-based segmentations, engagement-specific segmentations, and Tags.

Behavior-based segmentation

These segments are created automatically based on each customer's specific shopping behavior.

  • Low spenders: 80% of customers with the lowest total purchase value. In other words, if you have 100 customers and they were ranked by total purchase value, the low spenders would be the bottom 80 customers on that list.

  • Medium spenders: 19% of customers with an average total purchase value, between the Low spenders and the Big spenders. Using the same example of 100 customers ranked by total purchase value, these customers would be in positions 2 to 20.

  • Big spenders: the top 1% of customers with the highest total purchase value. Using the same example of 100 customers ranked by total purchase value, only the customer at the very top of the list would be identified as a Big spender.

  • Frequent spenders: customers in the top 25% highest number of orders. For example, let’s say the customer with the highest number of orders has placed 100 orders. In that case, every customer who has placed 75 orders or more will be identified as a Frequent spender.

  • Prospect customers: visitors who haven't placed an order yet.

  • Trend setters: customers who are active on social media. This segmentation has been discontinued, therefore older accounts might still have a few customers attributed as trend setters, but new accounts won’t have any.

  • Now online: how many people are currently interacting with the website.

  • Custom: which customers have abandoned their carts yesterday, and which customers have placed an order.

A complete list of all users within each behavior-based segmentation group can be found inside the CRM section on your edrone Workspace.

Engagement-specific segmentation

Some of edrone's engagement features also offer standard segmentation possibilities. These are set up inside each engagement's settings on the AUDIENCE section.

    • Apart from the standard behavior-based segmentation, it is possible to segment Dynamic and SMS Newsletters by Tags and Gender.

    • If the account has RFM Analysis, a premium segmentation feature, its groups will also be available for these scenarios. Click here to learn more about RFM.

    • Static list: a custom CSV file with specific contacts

    • Dynamic list:

      • Cart abandoners yesterday;

      • Customers with order;

      • Customers who visited your website in the past two weeks;

      • Customers who have not bought in the last 3 days / 10 days / month / 4 months;

      • Medium or big customers;

      • Customers who have opened your emails in last 30 / 60 / 90 / 120 days;

    • Any customer fields: With this option, you can create a segmentation based on several properties, which can be used individually or combined: Country, City, First name, Language, Gender, Number of orders, and Total order value.

    • Customers who interacted with a product from one or more of the store's product categories. The type of interaction (viewed / added to cart / ordered) can be selected from the Event type drop-down menu. It is also possible to select more than one product category and filter by time period and city.

All engagement-specific segmentations can be narrowed down by subscription status:

  • SUBSCRIBED: Users who are subscribed to your mailing list.

  • SUBSCRIPTION STATUS UNKNOWN: Users who informed their email addresses (e.g. creating an account or making a purchase) but are not subscribed to your mailing list.



If you want complete flexibility when segmenting an audience, tags are the way to go. Using tags, you can decide how you want to group your customers, using whatever parameters and labels best suit your business.

For example, you might want to send press releases only to journalists and influencers, you might create a MEDIA tag and assign these contacts to it. Or maybe you may have two distinct types of customers and need to tell them apart on your contacts database – for example, RETAIL and WHOLESALE.

Whatever the case, this can be easily done by implementing a tagging strategy, and edrone provides full tagging capabilities. Click here to learn all about tags in edrone.

Premium segmentation feature: RFM Analysis

RFM is hands-down the most advanced way to segment an eCommerce audience and is available as a premium feature in edrone.

RFM stands for Recency, Frequency and Monetary [value]. RFM Analysis is a marketing technique used to quantitatively determine which customers are the best, which need more attention, and which ones the company is losing.

RFM segmentation can be used in Dynamic Newsletters and SMS Newsletters.

Click here to learn all about RFM Analysis in edrone.

Need more help?

If you have any further questions about edrone's segmentation possibilities, please do not hesitate to contact us at

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