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Opt-in options in edrone

Make sure that users consent to the processing of their personal data!

Wioleta Jednaka avatar
Written by Wioleta Jednaka
Updated over 9 months ago

In Online Marketing, the opt-in process determines if and how the end-user allows a company to collect and use their data.

There are different ways to do it using the edrone system, which we'll discuss in this article.

Single Opt-in or Double Opt-in?

Before we dive into the opt-in options in edrone, it's important to understand there are two types of opt-in:

  • Single opt-in

    So-called single confiramtion. After filling out a subscription form, the user doesn't have to do anything else and their data is saved to the database.

  • Double opt-in

    A model involving double confirmation of the subscription. After filling out a subscription form, the end-user receives an email request to confirm their subscription, typically by clicking on the button/an activation link.

NOTE: Regardless of the opt-in process you choose, bear in mind that subscription forms should always include a checkbox confirming consent!

NOTE: Due to the amendment of the Law on Consumer Rights (as of January 1, 2023), which includes in its application contracts in which the customer does not pay with money, but with personal data, it is necessary to adapt the newsletter records to the new legislation.

Do I need Double Opt-in to be compliant with GDPR?

The double opt-in model has many advantages (we discuss the pros and cons of both models in this article). GDPR should not be the main determinant in deciding which model to choose, as the regulation addresses many more requirements. What are the details of the regulation and how to take care of your customers' data in compliance with GDPR?

  1. Clearly inform all EU customers how you will process their personal data.

    • How do you do this? Ensure you have a sub-linked privacy policy in your sign-up forms, as well as in the footer of the messages you send.

  2. Obtain clear consent to process personal data.

    • How to do this? Make sure that the checkboxes on your forms are unchecked and give the option of aware consent. Ensure clear confirmation that the customer has just become a subscriber - for this purpose introduce welcome messages or include a pop-up after the ‘sign up’ action.

  3. Provide an easy way to unsubscribe and opt-out.

    • How to do this? Every message in edrone has a default unsubscribe option at the bottom right of the email. To be sure, enrich the footer of your messages with an unsubscribe option.

Law and security

Double opt-in gained popularity with the implementation of the GDPR on May 25, 2018. At that time, many online stores feared non-compliance with the regulations and wanted to comply with GDPR requirements at every stage of the customer journey. Today, after consultations with legal advisors, we know that consent given on the website is sufficient.

We also know more about customer experience — for present-day users, the process of shopping and subscribing must be as quick and simple as possible. This helps eliminate the risk of losing customers.

But what about the security of my database?

In the age of artificial intelligence, we increasingly encounter bot attacks. Machine learning allows bots to execute increasingly sophisticated attacks, which can happen even with the Double Opt-in model. Key security measures on the website, such as reCAPTCHA, are crucial.

Advanced monitoring and data analysis systems can also help protect your subscriber base. They enable you to immediately identify irregularities and take preventive actions, thereby enhancing the protection of your customers' personal data. We encourage you to regularly monitor the growth of your database in the CRM section available on your edrone account.

As a result of the changes, you should be even more sensitive to having a checkbox next to your newsletter sign-up form. Check out our recommendations and align your operations with the current Omnibus Directive here.

Opt-in models in the edrone system

NOTE: Even if you're not using the Newsletter Subscription scenario, it is important to consider which opt-in model you will choose since this choice will affect how your customer's data is sent to edrone, which will have implications in all engagement scenarios that involve segmentation.

  • edrone Double Opt-in

    Consent is collected through the edrone system and automatically updated each step of the way. After filling out a subscription form, the customer will have a subscription status "Unknown" and will receive an automatic confirmation email with an activation link. Only after clicking this link will the status be updated to "Subscribed". All necessary information regarding the user’s right to information – such as the exact time of subscribing/unsubscribing –, can be found on the user's individual profile in the edrone system. This data can be downloaded and presented to the user at any time.

  • Double Opt-in non edrone

    In this model, the responsibility for the two-step authorization lies with you (using a different mechanism to collect customer confirmations). If you select this option, please bear in mind that all contacts are initially added to the system with the “Unknown” status. Only after clicking the activation link does the user’s status change.

  • Single Opt-in

    After filling out the subscription form, the user is added to the database with the status "Subscribed".

  • Single Opt-in with message

    After filling out the subscription form, the user is added to the database with the status "Subscribed" and a welcome message is sent.

Syncing subscription statuses

If you want to receive an automatic notice when a customer subscription status has been changed, please refer to our documentation.

You can also export a list of all Unsubscribed customers in Settings > Export. Click here to learn more.

Need more help?

If you have any further questions about the opt-in process, please do not hesitate to contact us at

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