Surely you know how important it is for customers not to put off buying - especially when popular products sell out quickly. Creating urgency can effectively increase sales and encourage an immediate decision.
A great way to do this is with our Low stock products Flow. With it, you can automatically notify customers when stocks of their favourite products are running low, motivating them to buy more quickly before the goods disappear from the shop.
The system sends messages from the scenario based on product feed updates. The key moment (trigger) for sending a message is the product update. However, for the system to identify the recipients of the message, the user must have previously viewed the product.
The scenario is based on data from the last 30 days. This means that from the moment it is launched, the system immediately analyzes historical data instead of waiting for it to be collected.
How do I set up the scenario?
First, log in to your Workspace and go to Automation > Ready Flows > and select the Low Stock products scenario.
Please note that to run this flow, you must upload a product feed along with information about the number of products available in stock! with exact information on the number of products available in stock! If you use the Shoper and Shopify platform, we will download this data directly from the platform.
The first view shows how the scenario works, and is also where you can adjust the limits to differentiate the messages and avoid spamming customers.
Step 1
Go to edit your message.
Step 2
Select the sender of the message or add a new one, then enter a title and a preheader. Remember that for the title and preheader, once you have created your message, you can use suggestions prepared by artificial intelligence.
Step 3
Now choose Edit design. This is where you design your message. If you are not yet familiar with our Drag ‘n’ Drop Editor, you will find lots of useful tips in this article. Here you can also add discount codes or use our ready-made templates. Don't forget to send yourself a test message!
Step 4
After saving and returning to the previous view- the message is ready to be run.
To see how your new automation is performing and what benefits it is bringing to your business, you can go to the REPORTS section. There you will find key metrics such as: Engagement revenue, Sent, Opened, Clicked, Unsubscribed, CTR and more. Remember that it is possible to filter the results by date and message.
Need more help?
If you have any further questions about this Flow, please do not hesitate to contact us at