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How to add a sending domain and authenticate in edrone
How to add a sending domain and authenticate in edrone

Add the domain used in the sender's address.

Ilona Srebnicka avatar
Written by Ilona Srebnicka
Updated over a week ago

Remember that the sender domain is not the url of your shop, it does not contain "https://" and "www" and it may be different from your shop domain, but it should be the domain that you use to send messages. This is the correct notation of a sample sender domain:

In order to send your messages from edrone correctly and ensure their deliverability, you need to add a domain or several sending domains (which you use in the sending addresses of your messages) in the system, as well as authenticate them by adding the appropriate DNS records on the domain/domain hosting servers.

Adding a sending domain

Below are instructions on how to add a sending domain in edrone.

1. Go to the SETTINGS section

Go to SETTINGS section



3. Click on the SENDING DOMAIN tab


4. Click on the add domain button

Click on Add domain button

5. Enter your sending domain you wish to use in edrone in the sender address

Type the authenticated domain

6. Click Save and Continue

Click on Save and continue

Your domain has been added to edrone. It now needs to be authenticated.

Domain authentication

Once the domain has been added, you will see a number of DNS records that need to be added to its hosting. Below are instructions on how to add each one:

1. Sparkpost DKIM - sender authentication method

Create a new DNS record of type TXT in your hosting. Copy the name and value and enter into your hosting accordingly. Save/publish the record.

2. Emaillabs DKIM - sender authentication method

Create a new DNS record of type CNAME in your hosting. Copy the name and value and enter accordingly in your hosting. Save/publish the record.

3. Return-path - allows to manage SPF

In your hosting, create a new DNS record of type CNAME. Copy the name and value and enter accordingly in your hosting. Save/publish the record.

4. DMARC - email authentication protocol (required by Google and Yahoo new guidelines)

If you do not yet have a DMARC record for the domain you entered, then create a new DNS record of type TXT in your hosting. Copy the name and value and enter accordingly in your hosting. Save/publish the record.

However, if you already have a DMARC record for a particular domain, it needs to be modified.

Please note that you cannot create another DMARC record - there can only be one for a given domain!

In this case, you will see in our system your DMARC record completed with the data we require in edrone. Copy the record value from edrone, go to your hosting, open your DMARC record, delete your value and paste the one previously copied from edrone.

Save/publish the record after the changes.

5. Sparkpost link domain - allows for using your domain in email message links

Create a new DNS record of type CNAME in your hosting. Copy the name and value and enter accordingly in your hosting. Save/publish the record.

6. Emaillabs link domain - allows for using your domain in email message links

Create a new DNS record of type CNAME in your hosting. Copy the name and value and enter accordingly in your hosting. Save/publish the record.

Verification of the correctness of the added DNS records

Once all records have been added, return to the edrone panel and click on the Verify Domain button below all records.

Remember that it can take up to 48h for a record to propagate (spread across the internet), so sometimes verification immediately after addition may not be successful, so it is worth waiting and checking the entry again after this time.

If records have been added correctly, a green Verified label will appear next to each record in edrone.

However, if any record has not been added, or has been added incorrectly, then a notification will appear indicating which record is not valid, and a yellow Unverified label will also show up next to it.

In order to use a particular domain in edrone and be sure that messages will be sent and delivered to recipients, and that no one will be able to impersonate your mailing domain, all records must be added and verified. Adding only selective records, will not guarantee protection against impersonation, and will not ensure high level deliverability.

Need additional help?

If you have any further questions about adding and verifying sending domains in edrone, please do not hesitate to contact us at

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