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Integration with - FAQ
Weronika Kapias avatar
Written by Weronika Kapias
Updated over 3 months ago

Question: What are the benefits of transferring forms to a landing page?

Answer: By moving sign-ups to a dedicated page (landing page), we focus customers' attention on one specific goal. We avoid distractions related to other content on the homepage, which increases conversions and engagement.

Question: Isn't it better to direct potential customers straight to the shop page?

Answer: Directing straight to the shop page can be more effective if you want to present a wider offer. However, a landing page is preferable for selling specific products or services, increasing the chance of purchase through personalized content and a direct call to action.

Question: Do more steps on the purchase path increase the risk of losing a customer?

Answer: Yes, the more stages, the greater the risk of a customer getting lost along the way. Therefore, it is important to shorten the purchase path by effectively directing customers to the right pages, tailored to their goals.

Question: What data can be collected through landing pages besides the basics like name, email, phone number?

Answer: In addition to basic data, landing pages can collect custom fields such as date of birth, gender, product preferences and other marketing information. This enables you to better tailor your offer and personalise your communication with the customer.

Question: How do I create a landing page with an e-book download?

Answer: To create a landing page with an e-book download, you need to include a form that collects data that will then enable the e-book download. It is also important to set up a thank you page where the customer can download the file after signing up.

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