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How to manage discount codes in Custom Flows?
How to manage discount codes in Custom Flows?

Find out how to add a pool of static or dynamic codes and how to manage them.

Weronika Kapias avatar
Written by Weronika Kapias
Updated over 5 months ago

How to add a new pool of discount codes?

To add discount codes you need to head to the Automation > Coupons section, and then click on the “Create New” button.

Click on Create new

A panel will appear where you will have the opportunity to make a selection of what type of discount codes you want to use in your Custom Flows.

Click on Select a type of coupons pool…

Whichever type you decide on, you need to name your voucher pool so that you can easily recognize it later.

Click on highlight

How do I edit the value of a static code?

To do this, go to where the voucher pool you have created appears and click on pencil icon:

Click on highlight

Enter the value of your code:

Click on 1234

How do I add dynamic codes?

If you opt for a dynamic voucher, once you have found your voucher pool and click pencil icon:

Click on highlight

The option to upload a CSV file with the codes will pop up. Click on “Upload coupons” button:

Click on Upload coupons

Once the file has been added correctly. The status and the number of vouchers will update. From now on you will be in control of the current number of codes.

Click on Running out

How do I add a coupon pool to a specific Custom Flows email?

To use a coupon pool go to the DESIGN-EMAILS section and then click on the creative you want to add the codes to. When you scroll down, you will be shown the 'manage coupons' section, where you can decide which pool you want to use. Once you have selected your codes, save your changes and run your finished Custom Flows. That's it!

Remember that you can only use the discount codes after you have added the appropriate coupon tag to the design of your email.

Click on Search for pool

How do I manage notifications of expiring codes?

You do this directly in the "COUPONS" section. You can set at which number of remaining coupons you will receive an email notification.

Click on Notify me if coupons below…

Need more help?

If you have any further questions about the Custom Flows, please do not hesitate to contact us at

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