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How to prepare a Newsletter HUB resend?
How to prepare a Newsletter HUB resend?
Weronika Kapias avatar
Written by Weronika Kapias
Updated over 2 months ago

If you want to prepare a resend of the campaign prepared in Newsletter HUB, please follow the steps below.

From the main panel, go to the NEWSLETTER tab


Click on Campaigns…

2. Click on Report

3. Click on "Resend" button

Now go step by step through the steps for creating a newsletter as described here if you want to make any changes.

If not, go straight to the audience step and select the public you want to send the newsletter.

  • Open - customers who have opened the message

  • Not Opened - customers who have not responded to the previous newsletter

4. Click on Not Opened or Opened

5. Go to the next step - summary

Decide whether you want to send the campaign right away or you want to schedule it.

Once you have decided when to send, click "Send" to send or schedule the campaign.

Do you need additional help?

If you have any additional questions about campaign resends in edrone, please contact us at

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