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After Sale

Don't treat your customers as if they don't exist after they buy! Keep your relationship alive by sending automated after sale emails.

Wioleta Jednaka avatar
Written by Wioleta Jednaka
Updated over a month ago

If the whole point of engaging with clients is to increase sales, when a client buys our job is done, right?

Not exactly.

Naturally, our ultimate goal is to increase sales, but a big part of that involves maintaining a good relationship with clients. Offering product recommendations, special sales and discount coupons are great ways to get clients into your sales funnel, but they also deserve attention throughout the sales process, including after they buy. And a happy customer is a recurring customer!

Using edrone's After Sale scenario, you are able to send automated messages that are triggered after a purchase. You might want to take this opportunity to send a simple thank you note, a special gift (like a discount coupon for a future purchase), or your latest content.

Let's learn how to set it up!

How to set up After Sale scenario

To begin, log into your Mission Control and go to AUTOMATIONS > READY FLOWS > AFTER SALE. The first page will be just an overview of how the scenario works, so you can jump right in to ADJUST section.

Step 1: Adjust

In this section, you will determine the scenario's parameters. Once set up, this scenario will send an email to every customer that makes a purchase, but it is possible to divide these "triggers" into up to four order value thresholds.

How many thresholds you should use, and which values should divide them, is up to you. But a good practice is to reflect on the range of your average order values and whether there are meaningful ways to divide them (for example between low, medium and high value orders).

To put it in practical terms, let's say you checked on your General Overview Dashboard that your AOV (Average Order Value) is around $200, and you know your highest order values hover around $1000. In that case, you might want to set your thresholds to something like:

  1. $0 – 200

  2. $200 – 500

  3. $500 – 1000

  4. $1000 – ∞

Of course, your mileage may vary. We suggest setting it up in a way you think might make sense based on the available metrics, monitor the results, and then make small incremental changes to optimize it.

NOTE: Each threshold will require a separate email, so make sure to consider that when making this decision. This is a good opportunity to optimize your messaging, for example sending a special gift to the high spenders and sending cross-selling recommendations for low spenders.

Apart from the thresholds, you are also able to determine other parameters to avoid spamming your customers:

  • Send not more often than: here you can choose the minimum amount of time you'd like to wait between After Sale messages.

  • Delay after order: how much time you'd like to wait after the customer makes a purchase before the message is sent.

Once you're happy with your choices, click on the NEXT: LANGUAGE button or select LANGUAGE from the progress bar.

Click on the NEXT: SENDER button, or choose SENDER from the progress bar.

Step 3: Design

Here, you will set up who is sending the email: Name, E-mail, and Reply-to E-mail. You can input new data, or choose from a predefined sender (for example, the same sender you have previously used in for other newsletters).

On this section, you will also design your email. Click here to learn how to use the new Drag 'n' Drop Editor.

If you have selected more than one threshold on Step 1, you will find a drop-down menu called CHOOSE MESSAGE TYPE on the top left of your screen. By clicking it, you will be able to choose which message you want to work on.

NOTE: This scenario allows for the use of the PURCHASED dynamic element, which will show the products that customer has bought. You will also be able to add the Bestsellers element as well as any other visual element available on the Drag'n'Drop editor.

It is possible to add coupons to any email. You can choose between Static (same coupon for all customers) and Dynamic (each customer gets a unique coupon). We recommend using Dynamic coupons whenever possible.

Regardless of your choice, you will need to upload a CSV file with your coupons. If you need help with creating them, there are several free online coupon generators.

Once your files are ready, click on UPLOAD (CSV). Select which column contains the coupons, check the box if you wish to ignore the first line of your file (column titles, for example). If everything is OK, click on CONFIRM COLUMN. A green confirmation message should appear at the top right corner of your screen.

Click on the NEXT: REVIEW button or choose REVIEW from the progress bar.

Step 6: Review

Send a test email to double-check if everything is working properly. When you're ready, click on the RESUME button, and you're done!

Step 7: Reports

To view your After Sale scenario's performance, go to the REPORTS section on the progress bar. Here you will find the main metrics such as Engagement revenue, Sent, Opened, Clicked, Orders, Orders with Coupon, Unsubscribed, and CTR. Please note it is possible to filter the results by date and message.

Need more help?

If you have any further questions about After Sale, please do not hesitate to contact us at

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