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How to increase audience engagement in emails?

Our campaign tips that will positively impact email deliverability.

Ilona Srebnicka avatar
Written by Ilona Srebnicka
Updated over a week ago

Talk about what's interesting to the customer

Sending personalized and relevant content to subscribers can encourage them to interact with your brand. This can lead to increased click rates, website visits, and social media engagement. According to research, 70% of people claim they always read emails from their favorite companies. In other words, it's an effective method of maintaining a good relationship with your audience.

Pay attention to the email subject

The email subject is not just a title. It is responsible for opens, one of the first metrics to analyze. When designing a subject, consider what your subscribers really want or need. Why did they sign up for your newsletter? What would pique their interest? Clearly communicate what the email is about, but refrain from revealing spicy details. Give your subscribers a snippet of information that will make them open your message out of curiosity. In short: the subject must be clear, short, tailored to the recipients, and arouse curiosity. There's no specific rule, so you need to test different options and analyze the results of your campaigns to find out which subjects gave you the highest Open Rate. Email titles are a great variable to experiment with in A/B tests. Changing a few details often yields surprising results!


  • Avoid using more than 50 characters.

  • Avoid excessive use of punctuation and emoticons.

  • Avoid shouting! Avoid the use of capital letters.

  • Prefer emoticons that make sense for your business.

  • Use variables, such as |NAME|, to attract attention in the inbox.

  • Intrigue, captivate.

Turn data into action

In edrone, you collect personal data such as birth dates, city, country, and behavioral data: viewed products, added to cart, order values, among others. For better deliverability and recipient engagement metrics, we recommend personalizing messages and using this data.


Adding the recipient's name in the email or the message subject and customizing content based on product recommendations created from the customer's purchase history can increase engagement and, consequently, improve deliverability.

Encourage subscribers to forward emails

You probably know, social media interactions are rated using various scoring systems. Let's take Facebook as an example. You can see a post and simply click "like," and Facebook's algorithm will interpret it as an interest in the content. If you comment on the post, the algorithm will consider that you are a bit more interested—you are willing to express your thoughts on the topic. If you share it, it's an even stronger signal. Forwarding emails is positively evaluated by spam filters. What can you do to increase the chances of this? I must point out that it's not a simple matter. You can create your offers in a way that recipients benefit from sharing them, for example, by offering group discounts or using affiliate links. Remember that sometimes, just asking or persuading is enough! Let's say you're creating a promotional newsletter for Valentine's Day. "Share this message with your friends so they don't forget to buy a gift for their loved ones!"

Be Creative

Different ways of grouping customers help deliver relevant content to each group, increasing their engagement. It's essential to remember that each of these groups will have different needs. Using the example of a sports store, customers who support São Paulo wouldn't want to receive emails promoting Corinthians jerseys. This could even result in unsubscribing from the newsletter. The more diverse the database, the more specific content is sent.

Encourage interaction - engaging CTAs

The call-to-action button is a key element of interaction designed to encourage users to take specific actions. The text should be short, concise, and catchy, for example, "Enter," "Check," or "Discover." It's also worth choosing a color that contrasts with the background but fits the overall style of the creative. Additionally, place the button at the top of the message so that it's visible above the mailing fold, without the need for scrolling.

Ensure an attractive email design

Design your email to be clear, concise, and aesthetically appealing. Add appropriate graphics and visual elements that emphasize the message. Using GIFs, such as animated product displays, can be effective. Countdown timers that display the time remaining for promotions are also impactful.

Don't be Boring, Deliver Value

Sending emails too frequently can irritate recipients. Sending many promotional emails may seem like a good strategy to not be forgotten and communicate benefits, but take it slowly. Seeing your company in the inbox every day can generate complaints.

Your re-engagement campaign

It's not uncommon for a certain percentage of subscribers not to react to your emails for several months. Some users lose interest or stop using the email address to which you send messages. A re-engagement campaign targets passive subscribers to rekindle their interest. However, before directing a re-engagement campaign to a passive subscriber, it's necessary to understand what caused them to lose interest. Typically, reasons can be one of the following:

  • You send emails too frequently or too infrequently.

  • The content of your emails is repetitive or irrelevant.

  • You sent clickbait content.

  • The design of your emails is not very attractive.

For the best results, we recommend 30 to 90 days of inactivity before directing re-engagement initiatives to subscribers. Ensure your email has a clear identity so recipients know exactly who the sender is. Personalize it and add appropriate incentives. Also, make sure there is an opt-out option for the recipient.

Need additional help?

If you have questions about the deliverability of your emails, please contact us at

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