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What is Success Pop-Up and what can I achieve with it?
What is Success Pop-Up and what can I achieve with it?
Weronika Kapias avatar
Written by Weronika Kapias
Updated over 4 months ago

What is a Success Pop- -Up?

Success Pop-Up is a special type of Pop-Up that can display to your store's customers after they perform an action on another existing Pop-Up on your site. For example, if you use a newsletter signup Pop-Up and configure a Success Pop-Up for it, then a customer who joins to your subscriber list in this way can see a thank you.

What can I achieve by using Success Pop Up?

Success Pop-Up is a tool with which you can achieve many different goals. Below you will find some examples of its use.

  1. If your newsletter signup is done in Single Opt-In model, you can use Success Pop-Up to thank your customer for joining your subscriber list, and inform them that a message with, for example, a discount coupon went to their email address. In Success Pop-Up you can also add a discount code directly, thanks to the Coupon field:

  2. If signing up for your newsletter is done in the Double Opt-In model, then using Success Pop-Up you can inform the customer that he should still go to his email inbox, click on a new message from your store and there confirm his desire to join the subscribers' list.

    Your Success Pop-Up might look something like this:

If you're using the “Birthday” automation scenario, but haven't collected information about your recipients' birthdays before, you can prepare a dedicated Pop-Up for this purpose, after filling it out, your recipients will be shown a Success Pop-Up with a thank-you message and a button redirecting to a reward. In the case of a sports store, such a reward could be, for example, a video with special exercises using accessories that the customer can buy on the site.

Need more help?

If you have any further questions about Success Pop-ups, please do not hesitate to contact us at

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